Contributors: Vol 5, No 4 - Nov 2018
Binky Laureta has a master’s degree in Family Life and Child Development and is a registered teacher in early childhood education. She has been involved in teaching for 20 years, both overseas, and in Aotearoa New Zealand. She started her career as a preschool teacher and then joined the tertiary sector. Currently, she is working as a lecturer and Program Leader for the Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) program at New Zealand Tertiary College. Her interests are in inclusive education, social competency, cultural diversity, multicultural education, adult/higher education teaching and learning, teacher training, online teaching and learning, curriculum and learning support.
Chelsea Bracefield has worked in the early childhood sector since finishing high school and has taken on a range of teaching and leadership roles during that time. She has recently completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning from Massey University which explored cultural and linguistic diversity for English language learners within an early childhood context. Chelsea’s research interests are inclusion for English language learners, curriculum and teacher leadership. These led her to her current role as an early childhood lecturer at New Zealand Tertiary College in Auckland where she is able to collaborate and share her knowledge with the wider early childhood sector.
Christine Vincent-Snow lectures in early childhood teaching at New Zealand Tertiary College. She has a strong interest in sustainable practices, kaitiakitanga (guardianship), and the influence and effect of nature upon tamariki (children). Christine is currently completing her master’s degree in early childhood and has worked in early childhood for over twenty years.
Elizabeth Hargraves is an emerging teacher completing a Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) with New Zealand Tertiary College. Elizabeth has an undergraduate degree in zoology and approximately ten years’ experience working as a home-based educator in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. She is passionate about working in collaborative, empowering relationships with children and their whānau, and has particular interests in children’s socio-emotional development and wellbeing.
Galina Stebletsova is the Curriculum Advisor at New Zealand Tertiary College. She was granted Bachelor of International Journalism; a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) from Whitireia Community Polytechnic; a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the University of Waikato; and a Master of Education from the University of Waikato.
Janice Pennells is an early childhood teacher with seventeen years involvement in the early childhood education sector. Janice began her journey in early childhood education with the playcentre movement where she worked as a supervisor, facilitator of parent education and member of the administration support team for a number of centres. For the past twelve years Janice has been employed in a community preschool in a rural South Island township. During this time she has studied with New Zealand Tertiary College completing a Bachelor of Education and more recently a Master of Education (Early Childhood Education). Janice is a current New Zealand Tertiary College alumni member and also holds a Diploma in Child Protection. Janice is passionate about valuing parents in their child’s education and using the contextual knowledge that families hold to improve the learning outcomes for children. Her ongoing areas of research interest include sociocultural assessment, meaningful partnerships, funds of knowledge and collaborative inquiry.
Kim Jenson is originally from Gisborne and is a Learning Specialist employed at an American international school in Guangdong province, China. She is currently completing her master’s degree in Inclusive and Special Education through the University of Canterbury and will finish her Master of Early Childhood Education at New Zealand Tertiary College. She wants to be an Early Intervention Specialist and work with organisations who provide support for low-income families who cannot afford the assistance they need for their children.
Priya Subasinghe has been working in the early childhood industry under different philosophies since 2010. Currently Priya is studying a Master of Education (Leadership and Administration) with Massey University. She is interested in doing research, participating in collaborative research processes and contributing to the early childhood education industry by getting involved actively in as many ways as possible. Priya presented a paper (poster presentation) at the Asia-Pacific Regional Network of Early Childhood in June 2018 at their international conference on the theme Sustainable Development Goals in Early Childhood Development: What is the best multi-sectoral approach to ECD? She has also been a volunteer in the consultation process for drafting the Nurturing Care Framework by WHO (May 2018).
How to cite this article
He Kupu, 5 (4), 74-75.